Monday, November 3, 2008

Sweet November

This has been this sweetest November I ever remember. There are things about each season that I love and look forward to:

sledding,hot chocolate, and the smell of cinnamon in the winter...

planting flowers, sunshine, and the earth re-awakening in the spring....

Pentwater, the beach, and yummy fresh fruits and veggies in the summer...

grilling out, the fourth of July, and long walks on the channel in the summer...

(ok, so I love summer a little bit more...)

colored leaves, football, and apple cider in the fall...

I usually look forward to summer and fall, dread heading into winter but do like some aspects about it and really, really look forward to spring after a long Michigan winter. I feel like fall is one of my most favorite seasons because it is usually so short. It seems like we go from hot to cold in a matter of weeks. This fall has been amazing and God is blessing us with yet another gorgeous fall week. Cheers to the longest fall I remember...we are soaking up every last drop!

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. ~George Santayana

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